Saturday, July 19, 2008

Week 5: Tagging & Social Bookmarking Wrapped up

For social bookmarking we looked at and what can I say, "I love" It is so easy and I can access it from anywhere. I can send links to paticular subjects to people. I can see how many people have bookmarked the same websites. I can even add notes to the bookmark records so that I can remind myself or let other people know why I saved this webpage. Helping kids with homework? Create a tag with their name and send them the url, then when they have homework they can see the websites you have selected for them. No guessing where they are getting their information. It is easy to delete them too, which makes maintenance a breeze. Just click on delete. Want to change the note or add a note, just click on edit. And best of all, I can access them anywhere I can access the internet.

Tagging presents it's own challenge for me, I keep forgetting what tags I am using. Now, don't get me wrong, I remember the tags, I just don't remember if there is an 's at the end or not. Did I make it all one word or did I use the _ in between words. So I end up with duplicates, which I have to go back and fix by editing my records. Oh, and let's not forget when I make the typos and create completely different words. LOL

Week 4: Library Thing & Rollyo: Wrap Up

Here is my favorite feature in LibraryThing:

The Early Reviewers. You sign up (you must give name and addresss) to try and win prepublication books in a type of lottery. At the beginning of every month will publish a list of books that will be available, what countries they will be available in and how many copies. Yes, they have a description of the story so you can decide if it is something you want to read. They have fiction, non fiction, cook books, biographies, and more. When you find one you want you click on request. If you are lucky enough to be selected (there are usually only 10-20 copies, with hundreds of people wanting them) they will send you a copy of the book, in exchange they want a book review. Wait, before you start going, "A book review. I don't want to write a book review." It only has to be 25 words or less, and no you don't have to write a glowing review if you don't like the book. And before you ask, no I have not received a book yet, but I keep hoping. What is the saying, hope springs eternal.